About Me

I'm in my second year in NCCU and major in law. I'm from Taichung, and I love the weather in Taichung. I'm very happy to join this class. I think the way of learning English in this class is special. I hope I can learn a lot in class. :)

11 April, 2011

A Question Raised in Class

A student in class asked the teacher a question, “Why are we talking about Chinese, Taiwanese, Italian, and French in class? In Europe, we only talk about what types of art.” Teacher answered, “Because the national identity in Europe has already set up. The question we discuss in class becomes a crucial problem in Taiwan recently.

Since our course title is “Art in Taiwan”, we have to figure out what Taiwanese art is in terms of culture and in terms of history. That’s why we keep talking about this topic.

This was my question before the student asked the teacher. After the answer was given, I understood the whole ideas the teacher wanted to gave us. Then I had more interested in this class and wanted to know more about art with culture and with history.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your Article, I agree your point of the arts in Taiwan or other place like Japan,China... Arts is all about human and life of human,so if we only talk about arts but forget what's behind arts, we can't understand clearly about arts.
